Triple P

Commonly asked questions for parents/carers.

How many people will be at the group?

Numbers vary but usually around 5 to 12 parents/carers in each group.

Will other parents/carers have the same problems as me?

Every family has different problems but often people find that others in the group have similar difficulties. The groups are supportive and no problem is too big or too small.

Will I have to talk about my family problems?

There are many opportunities to talk in the group however you do not have to talk about anything that you don’t want to. You can sit in the corner with a cup of tea and say nothing if you choose.

Will other people find out what I talk about in the group?

We encourage confidentiality so that anything that is said stays within the group and is not discussed elsewhere.

Will I have to do homework?

Every week there are a few things to practise between sessions, but these are mainly practical rather than written work.

Do my children have to come to the session?

No, Triple P is a programme to give skills and confidence to parents/carers only. However, we can refer your child to other services if you wish.

Can I bring a friend or relative with me?

Yes, the groups are supportive and friendly but if you would like extra support your friend is welcome. If your friend or relative sometimes helps you with caring for your children, this can be very useful.

What happens if I miss a session?

Occasionally, missing a session is unavoidable. We can deliver ‘catch-up’ sessions on these occasions, but we can’t guarantee them so please give as much notice as possible and make every effort to attend.

Will other services know I’m attending (e.g. social services)?

We will not discuss you or your family to other services unless we feel that you, your child or another person is at risk of harm. We would always try to discuss this with you first. We can contact other services on your behalf if you want us to. If someone referred you, we will let them know if you came.

What happens if it doesn’t work?

Our research shows that most people get some benefit from Triple P, particularly when they attend all the sessions and practice the skills during and after the program. If your situation has not improved by the end of the programme, we can work with you to provide more support from us or another service.

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