What is Triple P?

Triple P is a parenting programme, but it doesn't tell you how to be a parent. It's more like a toolbox of ideas. You and your family choose the ideas you need. You decide the way you want to use them. It's all about making Triple P work for you.

There are so many different types of Triple P and ways to do it. From popping into your local family hub for a quick tip sheet on toilet training, to a two-hour sleep workshop, seminar, online or longer face to face groups.

We say parents-but what that means is parents, carers & supportive friends/relatives/professionals-it takes a village to raise a child.

What we have in Dudley:

You can get on and complete online on your own or with a friend/relative and get in touch if you get stuck with anything. Or you can complete the different programmes face to face or via Teams with support people. Some of the sessions are in a group and some done on an individual phone call.

  • Triple P - For parents of children aged 18 months to 11 years. (8 sessions)
  • Triple P TEEN - For parents of children aged 11-16. (8 sessions)
  • Triple P Transitions - for parents who are no longer together with the other parent of their child, if you are struggling with stress, anger etc and coping with a separation/divorce. (5 session)
  • Triple P Stepping Stones - For parents of a child with a disability aged 2 – 12. (9 sessions)
  • Triple P Fear - less - for parents of a child aged 6 plus who suffers with anxiety. (6 sessions)
  • Triple P for babies - For expecting parents or those with a baby up to one year old. (8 sessions)

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